Gallagher & Kennedy’s Business Continuity Response to COVID-19

Published By G&K

Gallagher & Kennedy’s Business Continuity Response to COVID-19 Gallagher & Kennedy’s Business Continuity Response to COVID-19 As we continue to monitor and respond to the spread of COVID-19, we want to share our response plan and how we are working to keep our employees, clients, and communities healthy and safe. Our top priority is the safety of our extended Gallagher & Kennedy community, and we are continuously and carefully monitoring recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the World Health Organization, and local authorities. We are specifically focused on the following actions: • Encouraging remote work while maintaining operations. Rest assured our attorneys and staff continue to be available by phone and via email; • Utilizing video and telephonic communications and conferencing to limit in-person meetings as much as possible The reduced traffic and interaction within our offices allows our professional and support staff to continue working remotely and onsite in a safe and low-exposure environment; • Implementing extensive cleaning and disinfecting procedures in our offices; • Keeping our people fully informed on best practices including social distancing guidelines and self-quarantine rules. Additionally, we have canceled or postponed all scheduled, large in-person events and gatherings hosted by the firm. We have preexisting crisis contingency plans in place to ensure uninterrupted business services for our clients. All of our internal systems and files can be accessed through a heavily secured virtual private network. This remote access includes our paperless, electronic file system and all research and filing tools. Gallagher & Kennedy maintains a state-of-the-art, cyber-resilient and redundant IT infrastructure which is maintained 24/7 by our IT professionals. We are committed to safety first and transparent, open communication. In short, we would like to assure you that our firm will provide uninterrupted service to our clients while we all work through the challenges presented by COVID-19. As this situation evolves, know we are committed to serving the best interests of our clients and community at every step. We hope that you and your family stay healthy and safe. Please reach out if there is anything we can do to help.