We adore our pets—cats, dogs, birds, and all the other critters that become part of our families. With over 65 percent of American households, or 85 million people, owning a pet, it's clear how much they mean to us.
While you can leave your estate to your children and other loved ones, what about ensuring your furry family members are cared for? Is it even legal to leave money to them?
Podcast host Bob Sewell sits down with Sarah Clifford to explore whether providing for non-human family members in your estate is lawful—and if it's something only the wealthy can afford.
Click here to listen to the podcast.
about the author
Sarah Clifford is a shareholder at Gallagher & Kennedy, advising individuals, families, and business owners with their estate plans to help manage and preserve wealth and assets. Her experience includes probate and trust administration, including representation of high-net-worth clients with trusts and estates valued in excess of $20 million.